Gentle and grumpy? Yes π
Ok, let’s start with Gentle. Gentle is being kind, mild or
tender temperament or character. With oneself and others too.
Grumpy …hmmm .. do you really need an explanation of this?
I feel in this blog what I want to share is understanding
gentleness and how when one is grumpy you can still be gentle with people.
Every one of us has gentleness within the core of ourselves.
Gentleness is a strength. You will notice that gentleness comes with
reliability. You know you can rely on gentle people and they are strong and
have control over their reactions.
A key factor in developing more gentleness is simply
caring about other people, the world, your hopes and dreams. Being gentle
is just a way of life. A person who is gentle is normally always kind to
Ok, let’s get grumpy now ( haha!! )
I have personally encountered many situations when there is
someone in a grumpy mood and my first reaction in my head is %&*#@ … it
took me a while but now I honestly say to myself ( most times ) How important
is what this person is saying or doing? Is it really going to impact my life? I
actually think of how what I say or do will change things around me. Sometimes,
I have realized, that just not reacting makes me feel better.
When one is grumpy they just rave, rant, don’t think and say
things and are often insensitive to others' feelings too. Now just think when
someone is like this, instead of reacting You just
- Look at them with gentleness
- Hum a song in your head
- Focus on what you have in your life
- Think about what you can do for someone today by not reacting
- Just smile ( Oops .. that may irritate some )
- Chant a mantra
What I am trying to say is that if You really want this will
teach you 1. How not to react and 2. Actually, work with a gentler version of
A couple of weeks ago I went through a really
tough day where I felt I was just being attacked by everyone. Initially, I got
really upset and honestly then thought instead of reacting to their grumpiness
let me focus on what I have and am and love … I just thought of my
children and how I was grateful for who they are and what they are for and to
me. I promise You a minute later I felt better and none of what had happened is
anything I reacted to.
When one is gentle ( or trying to be, like I am ) you live
happier as you forgive more easily, react more positively, help people around
and get a lot more done in life.
Is it possible to be gentle while grumpy? YES because as a
gentle person you may get into a bad mood too. But since you forgive easily,
focus on what you have to be Grateful for and do not respond or react
unnecessarily to people or events, you can be gentle in any and every
situation. And I am sure that once you realise and tap into your gentle side,
you will be ready to let go of your grumpy one.
I think when l am feeling
grumpy I truly now focus on what gratitude and what I can do to make
another person smile.
What are your thoughts?
Live gently grumpy?
Live Gentle or Live Grumpy?
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