Monday, November 18, 2019

I Ikigai | Anjana Shamballa | Life Coach in Bangalore

The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life Might Just Help You Live a More Fulfilling Life – ( Your reason to Be / for being )
The Japanese island of Okinawa, where ikigai has its origins, is said to be home to the largest population of centenarians in the world.
One international study found that people who have a sense of purpose in life are at lower risk of death and heart disease. Why? Researchers found that those who feel purpose often have healthier lifestyles. They are more motivated and resilient, which protects them from stress and burnout.

Discovering your own ikigai is said to bring fulfilment, happiness and make you live longer.
Want to find your Ikigai? Ask yourself the following four questions:
What you love (your passion)
What the world needs (your mission)
What you are good at (your vocation)
What you can get paid for (your profession)
{ So am going to try and find and share mine here…
I love being there for people, helping them, sharing all I have with them. I want to help people heal and laugh and just Be. When I am doing this or my sessions or workshops is when I feel the happiest.
I feel the world needs more love and compassion and understanding and being there for one another.
I feel I am good at helping people tap into a happier and more positive version of themselves.
So doing this makes me a coach, a healer? And Yes I can and do get paid for this. }
Ikigai has a few essential qualities that separate it from the “follow your passion” truism as we conceive of it in Western culture:
It’s challenging. Your ikigai should lead to mastery and growth.
It’s your choice. You should feel a certain degree of autonomy and freedom pursuing your ikigai.
It involves a commitment of time and belief, perhaps to a particular cause, skill, trade, or group of people.
It boosts your well-being. Ikigai is associated with positive relationships and good health. It gives you more energy than it takes away.
In their book Ikigai The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles break down the ten rules that can help anyone find their own ikigai.
1. Stay active and don’t retire
2. Leave urgency behind and adopt a slower pace of life
3. Only eat until you are 80 per cent full
4. Surround yourself with good friends
5. Get in shape through daily, gentle exercise
6. Smile and acknowledge people around you
7. Reconnect with nature
8. Give thanks to anything that brightens our day and makes us feel alive.
9. Live in the moment
10. Follow your ikigai
Author Neil Pasricha suggests running your ikigai through the Saturday Morning Test:
The Saturday Morning Test is your answer to one simple question: What do you do on a Saturday morning when you have nothing to do?
“Follow your bliss.” Find where it is, and don’t be afraid to follow it.”

For holistic life coaching in bangalore reach Anjana Shamballa.


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