Tuesday, August 27, 2019


What is the meaning of the word Belief?
According to the dictionary – “An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.”
Please note the words especially without proof.
Does that mean that we live our lives in a belief which is not entirely true? Or maybe not true at all?
There are good beliefs and self-limiting beliefs that we all have.
Beliefs are what we have heard, been told, read, seen with someone else, experienced. These are our beliefs, not necessarily a fact.
There is a difference between a belief and a fact.
A fact is something that has been proven to be right .. the earth is round.
It is not a belief, but something which has been verified.
Over the years I have had to shatter so many of my self-limiting beliefs. Oh! and am I glad I did?
Let’s start with the simplest one ( also the most difficult ) – Happiness. All of us have different beliefs about Happiness? I, at one point, did think that if I made other people happier I would be happier. It was really important to me that everyone around me was happy. Honestly, the one thing that I learned about this was that I loved being appreciated for all that I did. I also learned that I did have some expectations from all the people I did share my happiness with. I did not understand it at this point so I did not focus on my happiness. I honestly did not think about it as I thought I was so happy trying to make others happy.  But honestly, if I wasn’t in a  happy space myself, how could I share happiness? This was a Belief I needed to shatter and I did.
Today I still love sharing Happiness But I do it more from a place of love without expectations. ( I used many different modalities But Ho’oponopono was one I loved )
Let’s take another self-limiting belief –
I did believe life was transactional. – When a child is born, they have no expectations or beliefs. Over the years they are taught  If you do well in school, you will get a toy. If you behave yourself, you will get ice cream and this goes on throughout your life. As you grow, this is a belief created and you believe that this is the way life is meant to be.
Belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case regardless of empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty. Another way of defining belief sees it as a mental representation of an attitude positively oriented towards the likelihood of something being true. Wikipedia

Monday, August 19, 2019

A - Authenticity

OK so a word we hear very often today is “Live your authentic life
Over the years I must say every time I was with a different teacher/guru I thought I was living my authentic life. But I was living their authentic lives, I think!
I tried over the last many years to understand what is Authenticity? How do I become more authentic? If I was not being honest and authentic, how was I going to help the people around me; my family, my friends, my clients? So I decided that I was going to Stop constantly being nice and saying yes to everyone (not literally)
I decided I would just be genuine. I started to notice when and where I had a tendency to be inauthentic. I needed to be aware and keep myself away from people and situations where my authenticity was flourishing. This is not easy... people judge you more, question you and in the bargain, you may end up losing some dear ones.
The one thing I always tried to do always have fun, love and laugh and just live as I wanted to. Now little did I know that this was a part of living authentically?
Living authentically is when we are being true to ourselves. When we stop living what people expect of us or of some beliefs created.
So, what stops us from living our authentic lives? Who stops us?
I believe the only person stopping us is our self. Our fears, our beliefs, our expectations and this are where a shift is needed.
We just need to align what we want, what we feel, what we think and what we do.
If we think a certain way, but behave another way because we feel that is what is expected... What are we doing?? Whose life are we living?
We need to go with our instincts. Think, feel, behave and act the way you feel is the best for you. Because honestly, no one knows you and understands you better than yourself.
So, go on and start living the Amazing Authentic You.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

L - Laughter

Seriously... Do we need a blog on laughter?
Why? Don’t we all know that laughter is the best medicine??
If this is true, then why are we not laughing more in life? Why are we looking for laughter therapy, laughter yoga, and laughter workshops?
Where has laughter disappeared?
Have you seen children laugh? Have you heard them laugh? How does it make you feel?
I immediately start smiling or laughing when I see kids laughing. My heart just feels full.
Honestly, how often do you laugh? Daily, weekly?
What makes you laugh? Who makes you laugh?
I must share something fun we do as a Family. We sit with the kids and put on YouTube videos of Babies laughing (or doing silly cute things)... This drives my husband into splits, followed by another one giggling at him and another laughing..  and what follows is all of us laughing together. It is one of the funniest sights to see .. who is laughing at what and whom no one knows.
After all, laughter is contagious right?
“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor “
– Charles Dickens
We share with others when we are upset, angry, have anxiety, excited… But when is the last time we shared our laughter.
At one of my workshops, I took everyone into the garden. I started laughing and told them to try it too. First, they looked at me like I was nuts but eventually all (but one) started laughing.
Why was it difficult for one person? Because she felt she needed a reason to laugh .. not just laugh for the sake of it. Now I think differently...I feel Life is living and loving and laughing and being.
Laughing is something which anyone at any age can do.
I often hear people say I just don’t know how to laugh anymore.
Let me share a few simple things you can incorporate into your life to lighten it and laugh a bit more.
·         A smile is as contagious as laughter. So just smile more... Smile at the trees, the birds, the buildings, because you are here, at someone walking by... anyone and anything. Just smile
·         When you hear people laughing, move towards that. People love sharing funny stories and love the reaction and attention they get when sharing these too.
·         Basically, this means that tries and spends more time with fun, playful people. Laughter lightens our moods.
·         Every day or week asks someone “What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?” This makes one think and smile as they and you recount all the fun things that have happened.
·         Get on YouTube and watch funny videos... There are so many of them. Or read fun stuff more often.
There are so many ways to laugh more. Find the one that works best for you.
 Who do you feel in your life always makes you laugh or feel light? Spend more time with them.
Just a few benefits of Laughter – (But do we need to know the benefits to laugh)
Laughter can make your relationships stronger & help resolve disagreements and tension.
Laughter helps you relax and distress.
Laughter burns calories. (Ok a few but it still does)
Laughter boosts your immunity.
Laughter releases endorphins…
“Laughter is and always will be the best therapy “
Make a pact with yourself for at least a week that you will laugh daily. “I will have a good laugh”.
See how you feel. Any shifts? Any difference in any way?
I would love to hear what you feel helps you. Who helps?
Do share your thoughts and comments and SMILE 
Life is about living and laughing and sharing so let’s share something funny that could help others laugh too.