Monday, November 11, 2019

Humbleness | Anjana shamballa | Holistic Life Coach in Bangalore

Humbleness – not really considered a word but is sometimes used, though it is not considered standard by some.
Humbleness is the quality of being modest or unpretentious. When one is humble one keeps you from bragging about all the places you’ve traveled, things You possess and the many languages you speak.
The reason I chose the word “ HUMBLENESS “ is because of a story my father had told me when I was a child.
My grandfather shared this with my father and he shared it with me.
If you see a mango tree without any mangoes you can see it stand tall. As the tree gets more mangoes, you can see it bend down, lower itself. The more mangoes it has, the slower it goes. Papa said “ Always remember to be like a mango tree. The more you have, the more humble you should be” WOW! That is a story I have never forgotten and hope to learn to live with humbleness.

How can we be more humble?
Stop talking. One way to practice humility is to spend more time listening than you do talking. … share your ear.
Give other people credit.
It’s absolutely ok to admit when you’re wrong.
Let others take, talk first. Go last.
No one of us is an expert in everything. Ask for advice. It will help You.
Praise others. Make them feel good for what they have done or who they are and see how good you feel too.
‘Research shows that humbleness is connected with courage, integrity, trust, self-control, and better relationships.
These are some characteristics of humble people.
  • A humble person is teachable. When one is humble one can always learn from the education and experiences of his life and others.
  • A humble person is open and is quick to read, invite feedback, and ask good questions.
  • A humble person is at peace with themselves and others. Humility puts relationships before the need to be right. Humility enjoys balance and harmony.
  • A humble person is grateful. 
  • A humble person is slow to offend and quick to forgive.
  • A humble person asks for help. Humility helps us know who we are and who we are not.
  • Humility allows us to live authentically. A humble person treats everybody with respect.
  •  A humble person is patient and doesn’t easily get frustrated with the imperfection of others.
  • A humble person recognizes their own limitations. Humility doesn’t have a negative view of self. Humility has an accurate view of self.
  • A humble person celebrates the accomplishments of others

So here’s to new humbler beginnings.
Source: Anjana shamballa Blog 

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