Tuesday, October 22, 2019


I do wish I had no expectations .. to start of with myself. 
I am in a bit of a frenzy as the last few weeks a lot has been happening. At this moment, I am in the middle of helping my children move and set up homes. As we are in London, there is no real help and we are doing everything ourselves. 
In the middle of this, I was really upset as I did not have this blog ready to publish this morning. I expect to have my blog ready every Friday evening and published Saturday morning. 
This is an expectation I have of myself 🙂 
An expectation is believing something is going to happen or should be a certain way. 
The most important thing for you to learn is You are not in this world to live up to other peoples expectations and other people are not here to live up to yours. 
I may feel the right thing when I see my children is that they should come and give me a hug. If they do not do this one morning it becomes an unmet expectation.
How do we deal with unmet expectations?
We definitely have to learn from this. This is teaching us something we need to learn.
We need to forgive and let go. By holding on we are not helping ourselves.
See it as a little blip in this wonderful life of Yours. 

Give these expectations as little power as possible. 
There are basically 2 types of expectations – realistic and unrealistic. 
When one has unrealistic expectations they have a desire to dictate how people should behave around them. ( Like some politicians, stars, prominent businessmen etc ) They want to be in control of everything.
To live happy and free of too many expectations one needs to
  • Stop expecting them to know what you are thinking. ( unless I tell my kids that I love their hug every morning, how will they know that I expect and love for them to hug me .
  • Stop expecting everyone to agree with you and to respect you more than you respect yourself.
  • Stop expecting them to fit your idea of who they are. They are who they are and cannot  change for you ( maybe you can first change a bit for them? ) 
  • Stop expecting them to need, love you. Just like respecting ourselves, we need to Love ourselves and when we do we do not need it that from from others. 

As Bruce Lee said: 
“ I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and You are not in world to live up to mine.”

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


A lot of people I work with would have heard me use this phrase.
“Walk your talk” – Something I totally believe.
Wiktionary says: It is idiotic to say “talk the talk” or “walk the walk” since the only version of the phrase that makes sense is “Walk the talk.”
This figuratively means that you do what you say. You take action (you walk) on what you say (your talk).
Let me just make this simple: If I sit on a couch and pound junk food and lecture people to eat well and be healthy, am I walking my talk?  Or, if I do not live by all that I share with you’ll in my blogs .. what am I doing?
Or If I am going to ask my children to clean their rooms, I need to make sure my room is clean first.
Walk your Talk, according to me means being true to yourself .. being authentic, having integrity in life.
Do you say what you truly mean to say?. And do you do what you mean? Do you make promises to people and not keep them?
Do you walk the talk, or just talk the talk?
If we cannot be authentic to ourselves, how can we live integral, positive and truthful lives?
Florence Scovel Shinn, a metaphysician of the 1920s, said, “There is always plenty on man’s pathway; but it can only be brought into manifestation through desire, faith or the spoken word.” Every time we speak, we create a road of some sort. The quality of that road, and how far it goes, will be directly related to the integrity of our word.
So what is Integrity? It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. When one has integrity, you are true to yourself and will not do anything that demeans or dishonors you or someone else.
I believe honesty in every aspect of our life is vital. At home, at work, with friends and family, strangers .. in fact with everyone You meet and interact within life.
Our words and our deeds should say the same thing.
Most good leaders you see, hear or meet will walk their talk. Most people like to see and follow good leaders, not just be dictated by them.  A good leader, a guide will never tell You what you must do... People do not like or appreciate hypocrites...So if you want to be a good and successful leader it is important for people to trust You. You need to have integrity and walk your talk.
“Words do less than 10 things, but actions do more than 10 thousand things. Leaders don’t talk in vain; they follow with actions.”
By being honest to yourself, to others. By keeping your word, your promise. If you have committed to someone or something, follow it through. Do the right thing.
What you say, what you do, what you think, how you act defines who you truly are.
When you walk your talk, you build your own personal integrity.
So do you walk your talk?